ABC "America's Mickey Mouse Network"
Allstate "Sears-ious Insurance"
AOL "We've Got You by the Wires"
AT&T "No, WE'VE Got You by the Wires"
Burger King "Wait for It Your Way"
CBS "Welcome Home. Hey, Where the Hell Is Everyone?"
Chevrolet "GEO Whiz, We Like Toyota"
Chrysler "The Mercedes-Benz of American Cars"
Coca-Cola "New Coke Was Pepsi's Idea"
Democratic National Party "Bill Clinton? Never Heard of Him"
Disney "Available in Stores for a Limited Time Only"
Eveready "Nothing Really Keeps on Going Forever"
Ford "Quality is Somebody Else's Job"
Ernest & Julio Gallo: "We Will Have No Hangover before Its Time"
General Electric "We're a Lot Like RCA"
Honda "Just As Good As Hyundai. Really"
IBM "Windows Is Just a Fad"
JERZEES "Fit to a T"
KIA "Killed in Action?"
Little Debbie Snackcakes "Our Name Says It All"
L'Oreal "I'm Worth It, and What's It To Ya?"
Maytag "The Fix Is On"
McDonald's "Did Somebody Say Cholesterol?"
Microsoft "Breaking Up Is Hard To Do"
NBC "Formerly Known As Must See TV"
Nike "Just Do It and Get Arrested"
Norelco "Running Circles around Blades"
Old Navy "Can You Ever Forgive Us?"
Oscar Meyer "We Are NOT about Spelling"
Pepsi-Cola "That Clear Crap Was Coke's Idea"
Pizza Hut "Nobody Beats Our Meat Lovers Special"
?Que Pasa? "Not Really a Name Brand"
RCA "Going to the Dogs"
Republican National Party "The Potatoe People"
Sony "We Just Can't Top the Walkman"
Sprite "Obey Our Ads"
Seven-Up "Up Yours, Cola Bastards"
Subway "We Are Not Public Transportation, Dammit"
Toyota "Slightly Better Than Hyundai"
Unicorns "Sorry We Missed the Ark"
Volkswagen "Buyers Wanted. Hey, We're Dying Out Here"
Whirlpool "Not Nearly As Wet As We Sound"
Xerox "The Original Copycats"
Young Again "We Wish"
Zebra "Sort of Like a Black and White Striped Horse"
Zerox "See Us at Xerox"
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