Sunday, April 28, 2013

U might be a redneck.

U might be a redneck. - Funny Joke And Cartoons " U might be a redneck. ". Amazing jokes, a large site with funny jokes and cartoons.

u might be a redneck if u have ever compared the size of your wiener with your dogs.

u might be a redneck if you have a cobard full of sauce packets form fast food restaurants.

u might be a redneck if u are married to your cousin and didnt know it.

you might be a redneck if u got your computer at a yard sale.

you might be a redneck if u hold your beer between your legs while driving.

you might be a redneck if u are still being breast fed.

you might be a redneck if u have a singing frog in every room.

you might be a redneck if when u kill a deer u say "whew i never fought that hard before."

you might be a redneck if u have a dish washer and still wash dishes in your sink.

you might be a redneck if your front door is card board.

you might be a redneck if u go to las vegas with a grand and come back with nothing.

you might be a redneck if you 30 and still living in your parents basement.

you might be a redneck if you are changing a electrical wire and you say "stand back and watch the sparks fly."

you might be a redneck if your family car is your tractor.

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