Saturday, April 27, 2013

Medical Appointment

Medical Appointment - Funny Joke And Cartoons " Medical Appointment ". Amazing jokes, a large site with funny jokes and cartoons.

While undressing for bed one night, ol' Bill notices something like a red rash
around his penis.
Alarmed, he thinks, "I can't let Hillary see this!", and makes a point of
getting to his doctor at Bethesda Naval Hospital, the very next day.

"Doc," he says, "I've got this red ring around my, you know. What is it, and
how do I get rid of it?"

The doctor says, "Well, I'm not exactly sure what it is, but take these pills
for a week, and see if that takes care of it. If not, come back and we'll try
something else."

Bill takes the pills for the week, but unfortunately, the red ring is still
there after 7 days. He goes back to his doctor and tells him the pills didn't

So the doctor prescribes another medication, capsules this time, and gives him
the same instructions. Take them for a week, and come back if it's not improved.
Bill takes the capsules for a week, and damn, the red ring is still there.

So he goes back to his doctor and asks, "What next?"

The doctor gives him a cream in a tube this time. Rub this on every day for a
week, and let me know.

Bill goes back in a week and says, "Great news, doc! The rash is gone! That
stuff in the tube was wonderful! What was it?"

The doctor replied, "Lipstick remover".

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