Friday, April 26, 2013

God Grants Wishes

God Grants Wishes - Funny Joke And Cartoons " God Grants Wishes ". Amazing jokes, a large site with funny jokes and cartoons.

A small coach carrying ten passengers falls off of a cliff killing everyone. Their soles all rise up to heaven and God is waiting at the gates.

He says to them that he is extremely sorry for what happened and none of them were supposed to die yet. God then said he will send them all back to earth granting each person one wish.

The first person steps up and wishes to be a millionaire, suddenly there is a loud laugh from the back of line.

The second comes up and wishes to marry a beautiful women. Again their is a loud laugh from the back of the line.

The rest continue to make wishes until the last person comes up. God then tells him: "Alright Mr. Laughter, whats your wish?"
The man tells him that his wish is to reverse the rest of the wishes.

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